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My theory
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Theriotype: Pan-Therian
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 0

Post: #1
My theory
My theories revolve around spiritual, psychological & biological traces, they root to the biblical stories of fallen angels mating with human women to offspring nephelim giants; they also resemble & root to Babylonian teachings of Tiamat offspringing half man & half beastial creatures; that sounds like the stories of dark alchemical magicks being used to transform beasts into human form to serve in civilization & order, since they don't have freewill to disobey. The spiritual stories tie to psychological influences of therianthropy as a symbolic practice for proper survival states of mind (etc), these psychological versions are facts, the spiritual versions haven't been proven yet. The biological influence & theory of therianthropy is based on Charles Darwin's "theory of common descent" where all living beings descended from a common ancestor. It's not difficult to believe that both apes & mankind descended from a common therian (beast) ancestor, while apes evolved in one direction staying therian beasts as their own branch & humankind evolved in another direction into humanity as their own branch. If that would be true that could explain that humanity has therian genetics & that could explain the phenomena that I & orher people claimed. Also if apes & mankind descended from a common descent, it is not difficult to believe that there were/are other therian beasts that also descended from the same currents of the same or older common ancestors. Leading to multiple branches of therianthorpy with their theriotypes, not only one. Meaning, their genetics tie to therianthropes as half man & half beast.

I have only begun to experience my therian side when awakening to see our reality through another point of view. Seeing through the illusionary veils is what caused me to realize the hidden reality that most cannot see behind optical illusions. My awakening continues & I seek to collaborate with the therian world to prove more facts in the spiritual & biological aspects of therianthorpy. I offer service & a supportive hand to assist the therian communities how I can & where I'm needed.

X. Nyqeth Qirata
Yesterday 16:27
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