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My strange lil theory… reincarnation and other
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Post: #1
My strange lil theory… reincarnation and other
Hi guys!!! If you’re reading this, hope you’re having a good morning!! Deer Jump
Hopefully this provides a good explanation for somebody!
Now, this has to do a bit with Christianity or any religion that believes in God and Jesus Christ, however, if your religion has OTHER Gods, and at least has some “afterlife” in it, this theory is easily incorporated into it bheart
Without further ado, let’s go!!
What is my religion/belief?
Basically, I believe that everyone has a past life/s. And your soul gets reincarnated multiple times until it has seen every point of view, or every wrongdoing.
If you’re Christian, you know that Jesus experienced every sin then was reincarnated. It’s possible! It’s okay if your religion doesn’t match that too excited cat

So how would I incorporate this into my own religion?
I’m not really sure. I don’t know much about other religions as a whole, so I would like if you guys could share about them here Hyper cat

How does this relate to therianthropy even?
Well, every soul starts out with a body. It could be an animal or a human, or it could be a dinosaur or creature from LONG ago. Now, when your first body dies, the soul goes into another creature that is being born at the moment. There’s not really a way to choose which body you get. If it’s a human, and your first life was an animal, then you officially are a therian! And for polytherians, this happens if they had multiple lives before Hamster
Eventually, when you have seen everything the world has to offer, good and bad, you can go to heaven. That’s it. That’s all there is. Hope that makes sense lol

[Image: IMG-5570.gif]
2023-01-12 14:20
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Post: #2
RE: My strange lil theory… reincarnation and other
this makes sense!!!!! i believe in this too!
i beleive i have had multiple lives before!!!
i am MULTIPLE religons (multiple ethnitcies, hebrew,kinda native american,pagan, wiccan,witch)
and i believe this as well!
native americans beleive in reincarnation,so do witches, im not sure about jews, and satanists do aswell!
i am VERY new to native american culture and therian stuff, so i have to look into it, but yeah!

“異体同心”translation:”Two bodies, same heart"

[Image: 984644138-tumblr_m8icouCeDo1r9zm6oo1_500.jpg]
[Image: tquote.jpg]
2023-03-14 12:44
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Post: #3
RE: My strange lil theory… reincarnation and other
Hmm. As a former Christian, my understanding is that while Jesus died to remove sin from the world, he himself was without sin. That's why he was able to absolve the rest of the world. He supposedly came back to life in his own body, and then returned to heaven - that's not really reincarnation if you ask me, since it's the same form.

Further, what entity is judging when the rebirth cycle stops? Who's to say one is "good enough" to rest? And if everyone goes through the rebirth cycle until they reach heaven, does hell still exist? Not trying to poke holes in your beliefs, just curious.

Personally, I agree that past lives are a possibility that may influence therian experiences, but it could also be that the energy from multiple "first life" souls (in this case, animal and human) was combined in the same vessel. While that may be viewed as a creator making a mistake, it's hard to believe in a faultless creator given the amount of horrible things in the world. IMO if there is a perfectly omnipotent being, they're pretty awful for idly sitting by and allowing so many to suffer. Just my take.

Carpe noctem audi lunam

[Image: YHeZtj1.gif]
2023-03-14 14:06
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Post: #4
RE: My strange lil theory… reincarnation and other
Personally I believe the Christian concept of heaven and hell to be consciousness constructs that people can trap themselves in for a while after passing, but those locations are not the true after life, or the truth of all that is. The spirit world is far grander than "heaven" and "hell" or angelic and demonic in my eyes. Also don't really believe "sin" in the Christian sense of the word, just actions and consequences that create constructive or destructive outcomes.

The judge is the state of your own heart, your energy, vibration. The state of that will determine the trajectory of your spirit. Are you like a feather or a lump of lead in spirit? Will your spirit evolve, stagnate or devolve? All depends on ones state of being in life and it's entirely our own responsibility. I do not believe anyone can absolve a person's negative actions for them. The only thing that can absolve someone of their so called sins is change in the heart and facing their due consequences.

I do believe in past lives for sure though. But I believe the circumstances and causes for the why's and how's some of us are in human bodies are as varied as the stars in the sky, and there will not be an answer that fits for all. I have my own answer, and it's one that's unlikely to apply to most others.
2023-03-14 20:32
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Post: #5
RE: My strange lil theory… reincarnation and other

(2023-01-12 14:20)rainreborn Wrote:  There’s not really a way to choose which body you get. If it’s a human, and your first life was an animal, then you officially are a therian! And for polytherians, this happens if they had multiple lives before.

I feel that this isn't true, because you can only call someone a therian if that is a label that they have chosen for themselves. It's a personal journey and decision and can't be decided by others.

2023-03-15 9:25
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Resident Bat
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Post: #6
RE: My strange lil theory… reincarnation and other

(2023-03-15 9:25)Bubbles Wrote:  

(2023-01-12 14:20)rainreborn Wrote:  There’s not really a way to choose which body you get. If it’s a human, and your first life was an animal, then you officially are a therian! And for polytherians, this happens if they had multiple lives before.

I feel that this isn't true, because you can only call someone a therian if that is a label that they have chosen for themselves. It's a personal journey and decision and can't be decided by others.

Yup I know. I mean, if someone learns the term and finds it fits them…

(2023-03-14 20:32)WolfThing Wrote:  Personally I believe the Christian concept of heaven and hell to be consciousness constructs that people can trap themselves in for a while after passing, but those locations are not the true after life, or the truth of all that is. The spirit world is far grander than "heaven" and "hell" or angelic and demonic in my eyes. Also don't really believe "sin" in the Christian sense of the word, just actions and consequences that create constructive or destructive outcomes.

The judge is the state of your own heart, your energy, vibration. The state of that will determine the trajectory of your spirit. Are you like a feather or a lump of lead in spirit? Will your spirit evolve, stagnate or devolve? All depends on ones state of being in life and it's entirely our own responsibility. I do not believe anyone can absolve a person's negative actions for them. The only thing that can absolve someone of their so called sins is change in the heart and facing their due consequences.

I do believe in past lives for sure though. But I believe the circumstances and causes for the why's and how's some of us are in human bodies are as varied as the stars in the sky, and there will not be an answer that fits for all. I have my own answer, and it's one that's unlikely to apply to most others.

Thank you for your input

(2023-03-14 14:06)TherianRose Wrote:  Hmm. As a former Christian, my understanding is that while Jesus died to remove sin from the world, he himself was without sin. That's why he was able to absolve the rest of the world. He supposedly came back to life in his own body, and then returned to heaven - that's not really reincarnation if you ask me, since it's the same form.

Further, what entity is judging when the rebirth cycle stops? Who's to say one is "good enough" to rest? And if everyone goes through the rebirth cycle until they reach heaven, does hell still exist? Not trying to poke holes in your beliefs, just curious.

Personally, I agree that past lives are a possibility that may influence therian experiences, but it could also be that the energy from multiple "first life" souls (in this case, animal and human) was combined in the same vessel. While that may be viewed as a creator making a mistake, it's hard to believe in a faultless creator given the amount of horrible things in the world. IMO if there is a perfectly omnipotent being, they're pretty awful for idly sitting by and allowing so many to suffer. Just my take.

Thank you for your reply.

(2023-03-14 12:44)frynleelashotseengf Wrote:  this makes sense!!!!! i believe in this too!
i beleive i have had multiple lives before!!!
i am MULTIPLE religons (multiple ethnitcies, hebrew,kinda native american,pagan, wiccan,witch)
and i believe this as well!
native americans beleive in reincarnation,so do witches, im not sure about jews, and satanists do aswell!
i am VERY new to native american culture and therian stuff, so i have to look into it, but yeah!

Cool Smile

[Image: IMG-5570.gif]
(This post was last modified: 2023-04-07 20:36 by rainreborn.)
2023-04-07 20:33
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Post: #7
RE: My strange lil theory… reincarnation and other
I believe in reincarnation, I think its very cool!

"Be carefulwho you trust Sargent, even the people you love the most can hurt you" -Ghost CoD
2023-04-07 22:06
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Rawr >:3
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Post: #8
RE: My strange lil theory… reincarnation and other
I like the idea of reincarnation but I prefer this being my one time experiencing life like this. It's comforting to me.

The only one you owe in this life or the next is yourself.
Live like you mean it

2023-04-15 18:33
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