Hello Cosmic.Bonez here.
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LavenderWobbleDragon @Seraphis
I would like to touch base on Therianthropy and what y'all think Therianthropy is about. I've seen a lot of misinformation going on, rather it be on social media or in person/real life. I really wanna explain my thoughts of Therianthropy and what it is and what it means. I would like other's in the Therian/Alterhuman community to reply to this thread to know what y'all think/know about Therianthropy. Now getting into the post itself.
The way I think of Therianthropy is an Identity. I could be wrong but with the couple of months that I have been awakened as a therian and the research I have done, I think of Therianthropy as an Identity. An identity of a person who identifies as an animal on a non-physical level. Also you can't just chose to be a therian, you are born as one. I would like to point out that there are a lot of fakers and some of the time those fakers turn up to be haters.
I have also seen a good bit of therian creators for a while now that base their whole channel around quads and gear, you do NOT need to have gear or be able to do quads or vocals to be a therian. Most people do that type of stuff to feel more connected to their theriotype(s). Not doing quads or vocals and not having any gear does not make you any less valid.
I would like to point out that you can't "quit" being a therian just like how you can't chose to be one. I really would like to point out that a lot of people don't know what therianthropy is or they have been told something that is not true, if you come across someone that has been told something that is not true don't suspect that they are a fake therian just teach them more about therianthropy.
I don't know what else to put so this is it for now. Your opinions would be highly appreciated.