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Dragonkin my newest theory
Eager beaver
Theriotype: Draconic
Experience: (therian?), Otherkin
Connection: Spiritual
Reputation: 10
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Post: #1
Dragonkin my newest theory
Explaining newest theory dragonkin:
Read my newest theory on therians and otherkin to learn more.

The true self on the deepest level is for every living being the same. But directly around it there is a layer (first layer) and it still has draconic energy. Draconic soul you can say. Because it is directly connected with the deepest "level".
Draconic soul (the draconic part) Here comes your very first true and draconic personality from.

Same goes for every kintype. The very first layer,
directly connected to the part that we all living beings have in comon called the deepest level.

This is NOT the ego if your intuition knows that you truely are draconic.

[Image: 38ceba5132e168bfa300e6daeb28c6a3b85f395a.pnj]

Waiting for the New Golden Age in 2032 !!!
2023-01-17 15:03
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Theriotype: polytherian and jax fictionkin
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 39
Contribution: tick tick 

Post: #2
RE: Dragonkin my newest theory

(2023-01-17 15:03)ForesterLeaf Wrote:  Explaining newest theory dragonkin:
Read my newest theory on therians and otherkin to learn more.

The true self on the deepest level is for every living being the same. But directly around it there is a layer (first layer) and it still has draconic energy. Draconic soul you can say. Because it is directly connected with the deepest "level".
Draconic soul (the draconic part) Here comes your very first true and draconic personality from.

Same goes for every kintype. The very first layer,
directly connected to the part that we all living beings have in comon called the deepest level.

This is NOT the ego if your intuition knows that you truely are draconic.

huh, very cool theory!

"Be carefulwho you trust Sargent, even the people you love the most can hurt you" -Ghost CoD
2023-02-19 4:25
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