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Communicating About Your Therianthropy To Others
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Post: #21
RE: Communicating About Your Therianthropy To Others

(2022-10-30 19:55)NovaFox Wrote:  Thank you for making this thread. Unfortunately, I am still worried about what would happen if I came out as a therian.

Well then, don't come out. Not like people have to know anyway.

Avatar comes from my good friend Yvvki outside of TG. Smile Thank you so much for doing it!
2022-10-31 0:26
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Clumsy Feline
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Post: #22
RE: Communicating About Your Therianthropy To Others
This is a great explanation of how to tell people about your therianthropy! Personally I won't be telling my family until I move out to my own house just in case, and also so that if they don't accept me I won't have to live with the feeling of being judged.

If you do want to tell people, it's a good idea to think about what their reaction will be, so that you can have the highest chance of acceptance. I know that my parents won't take it seriously and will tell me it's a phase, and might even try and get me therapy.

Using the method of guessing people's reactions, I have only gotten acceptance so far! I've told my great friend who was nothing but accepting, they love asking me about it and plan to sign up to TG to learn more! I told two other friends who just kinda accepted me but forgot about it the next day :jaglaugh:
I don't mind though because they were still nice about it.

But that's enough about me, this is kind of a bump post lol. If you think someone will have a negative reaction, refrain from telling them!

Remember that you don't have to tell people about it. But if you do choose to, good luck! :lion:

"Why do the humans come here, do you suppose?"
"Who knows why humans do anything?"
-Richard Adams, Watership Down
2022-11-17 18:52
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Post: #23
RE: Communicating About Your Therianthropy To Others
Thank you. This thread can help therian come out, or even be ready to do so. I shall try to come out to some of my friends. Maybe not yet, but after some preparation I will !

Good luck everyone, and REALLY stay SAFE !

My soul yearn for the night
The night is a place of freedom
Of non-judgment
Of fresh air
Of calm
Of animals
Of therians.
Eleuther/Selfdiagnosed AuDHD
2023-03-15 10:03
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