A Spiritual AND Psychological Theory
Not sure if this belongs here. Just wanted to jot this down to get it out of my head.
Lately, I’ve been haunted (pun not intended but can be taken as such) with thoughts about spiritual therianthropy. I always say that I am, in no way, a spiritual therian. My connection is primarily psychological (and it probably always will be.) But after an eye-opening class discussion as well as my own wonders, I have found myself mentally spiraling down the rabbit hole of past lives, ghosts, and spiritual therianthropy.
I’ve observed a theory floating around which I think makes sense, mainly because it is relating to science. That theory is based around the law of conservation of energy, that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. When a person passes away, their energy remains, and that is what creates “ghosts”. I, myself, have had so-called experiences with the unexplained, the “paranormal.” The entire idea of ghosts seems interesting to me. But what I don’t understand is that there just must be so many ghosts. All this energy, just floating around the Earth. It would need somewhere to go, right? Perhaps the semi-conscious remaining energy, or “souls”, could enter new bodies if they choose. All that energy is recycled into new organisms. There are really no “new” people. Perhaps some could stick around as ghosts, explaining paranormal activities, while others move on to new lives. It’s all so confusing, but yet, it makes perfect sense at the same time.
What I’m thinking is that my connection could be a mix of spiritual and psychological. Perhaps my soul has retained bits and pieces from some of the countless lives I’ve had, and my human brain has mixed them into my psychology, y’know? My subconscious remembers a little from my old lives as my theriotypes, the most significant ones, which causes me to feel that I am still those animals. But I’m not completely sure of this or sure if I really want to believe this. Just a theory. I’m probably still just a psychological therian.
sparkle on its wednesday
✰ziggy ✰any pronouns