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misconseptions on therianthropy
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Theriotype: northwest crow, Mothman, Opossum(?),Coyte(?)
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 2
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Post: #1
misconseptions on therianthropy
So recently I was on YouTube picking something in the background to watch as i was making my opossum mask I see this YouTube short (not saying who) saying ' how to become a therian. ' Now me, being the curious thing I am, clicked on it watching it all the way through, because sometimes they have a twist (etc. it's a loop so it never tells them. or they say ' you can't, therianthorpy is not a choice ' which I love btw), this was not the case. it was telling the viewer that you have to wear gear, do vocals, and do quads all the time. which made me frustrated. but I did not let that go to my head. the reason I'm making this thread in the first place to remind other pups that this is not the case. don't be fooled by these people. and if a fellow therian is forcing you to do quads, wear gear, and or do vocals even if you don't want to, ignore them. they are not your friend.
please, do not harass the people who do make these types of videos (unless it's really bad), they most likely are confused on therianthropy due to somebody spreading false info, or they are only telling people what they see rather than doing research. please instead kindly educate them about therianthropy, so they have a better grip on it. if they still do not listen to you, don't waste your time on them. let them figure it out by themselves.
as always, do be careful out there, and I care about you all! stay wild!

" we're here for the cult stuff! We saw the ad on Craigslist! " - Shane Madej
2024-03-03 4:54
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Post: #2
RE: misconseptions on therianthropy
Sounds like a young entrepreneur learning the trade. Make some garbage, sell ads, make money.

previously a wolf spirit
2024-03-03 15:06
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Theriotype: northwest crow, Mothman, Opossum(?),Coyte(?)
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 2
Contribution: new

Post: #3
RE: misconseptions on therianthropy

(2024-03-03 15:06)Tdae Wrote:  Sounds like a young entrepreneur learning the trade. Make some garbage, sell ads, make money.

most likely. it just breaks my heart just a bit that this is how the world has become Sad

" we're here for the cult stuff! We saw the ad on Craigslist! " - Shane Madej
2024-03-03 20:14
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Post: #4
RE: misconseptions on therianthropy
I said basically the same thing to my daughter, that she could make money with little effort if she wanted to. She said she wouldn't sell her soul. I'm proud of her.

previously a wolf spirit
2024-03-03 22:56
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Theriotype: northwest crow, Mothman, Opossum(?),Coyte(?)
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 2
Contribution: new

Post: #5
RE: misconseptions on therianthropy

(2024-03-03 22:56)Tdae Wrote:  I said basically the same thing to my daughter, that she could make money with little effort if she wanted to. She said she wouldn't sell her soul. I'm proud of her.

it sounds like you have a wonderful and kind child! like I said, it's good to spread awareness to others about this kind of stuff.

" we're here for the cult stuff! We saw the ad on Craigslist! " - Shane Madej
2024-03-04 17:50
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