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Research By Therians
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Therian Interviewer
Theriotype: Gray Wolf
Experience: Therian, (otherkin?)
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 10
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Post: #1
Research By Therians
Introduction to the thread Hello

I have decided to create this thread to help others with any questions anyone may have. I encourage other Therians, otherkins, or supportive people to come along and post your research here if you want to! It's okay to also get something wrong, especially if you are still learning. We all are. You learn something new every day, so be kind to one another and help others out.

I have posted information about certain topics related to Therians in my journal. Since I know that not many people check journals I have decided to move those topics here. So that way everyone has the opportunity to see them.


I have spoken about quadrobics in the past in my other journals but since not many people have seen my journals I have decided to move the topic here. Along with my research of Quadrobics. I have also seen other therians/otherkins ask about the sport so here is my personal opinion based on the quadrobic sport.

Types of things you can do during Quadrobics:

I have seen some people doing quads and hurting themselves. So you have to remember...Always stretch properly before doing anything

Some people take quadrobics classes for proper training but thankfully we have the internet so...if you want to learn about quadrobics I suggest looking up on YouTube {or a valid resource} "How to properly stretch for quadrobics." This way you can loosen up and avoid injuries so you can keep having fun.

Also please be aware Stretching doesn't mean you will avoid injuries all of the time So I also suggest looking up on YouTube or a valid resource "How to do quadrobics properly." Or "What form do I take during quads for {Any type of action you want for quads}." This way you are doing quads correctly. Especially when you are landing on the ground from jumping. I noticed on some social media platforms when a kid was landing from jumping and they landed incorrectly which caused them to hurt their arm and wrist. Sad

So remember...Be aware of your surroundings before doing quads, Take your time. Don't rush.

If you want to do anything during quads I suggest taking your time to perfect your stance, to make sure nothing scraps against your hands.

This post was made in my other thread called "Mystic's Adventure's Journal" {Posted on January 17th.}

What is Quadrobics?

I have researched the history and what I know so far. I ENCOURAGE YOU TO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH It's always good to have your own opinion on certain topics.

Quadrobics- The art of dropping down on all fours and walking, trotting, running, jumping, and generally having a great time. Their speed, and characteristic speed. Basically, the movements of horses, cats, and dogs are imitated, often in masks and a visual inexact image of the corresponding animals. A separate direction of quadrobics is a dance on four limbs. Quadrobics are a great way to exercise your core muscles, and upper legs/arms.

In terms of the level of injury risk, the quad is close to parkour.

History of Quadrobics-The origins of the sport date back to the the early 2000s, influenced by the formation of the movement, a Japanese named Kenichi Ito, who set the Guinness record for running on all fours for 100 meters, a direction in fitness known as "Crawling", as well as one of the types of yoga "Animal Flow" and of course parkour.

How it started to spread around within' platforms-In recent years, there has been explosive growth in the content and popularity of Quadrobics among young people on TikTok and YouTube services. Individual videos are gaining millions of views. Quadrobics finds distribution among such subcultures as furries, therianthropes, fans of cosplay, anime, animal lovers, and the TikTok service.

This will be the LAST TIME that I repost/speak about this topic, I will be moving on and will be onto the new topic about the history of therianthropy and my understanding of it. I hope this helps you guys out about Quadrobics, remember there is more than one perspective of the sport. There might even be more information involving the sport. So don't be afraid to do your own research or asking around


Pronouns: They/Them ♡ Nickname Friendly.

Don't lower your expectations to fit into the world. You were born to stand out.

2023-09-28 18:32
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Therian Interviewer
Theriotype: Gray Wolf
Experience: Therian, (otherkin?)
Connection: Psychological, Spiritual
Reputation: 10
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Post: #2
RE: Research By Therians
There are tons of resources and other therian conversations based on the question, "What is therianthropy?" Even on here, there are bound to be posts or threads based on this question and them giving their best answer. So allow me to give my knowledge of what I know and some other resources based on the common question. Of course, if you think any of these are wrong or want to add on your own here then you can either post your own definition here or correct my post if needed.

Disclaimer: I would like everyone to acknowledge that this post is made to INFORM other therians, newcomers or supporters. I am only trying my best to help others by breaking these things down from my perspective and other's perspective. Please be kind to others and respect them, Thank you.


What is Therianthropy?

Source: YouTube- Mori

Clip: 0:24 "What is a therian?"

Quote:"Therianthropy and Therians. Therians are individuals who believe or feel that they are non-human animals in a non-biological sense. For example, It can be your past life. But we don't all believe we had an animal past life. We can also believe we have an animal soul inside us. Your therio-type can be any animal that existed once, also you can have multiple therio-type(s) it's called "polytherian." Loving animals, wearing tails and masks, or doing quadrobics doesn't make you a Therian".


What I have bolded or underlined is information that I think is really important. In the video Mori does explain some other stuff but I would like for you to look through it on your own time if you want.
Doing quadrobics (the sport), wearing gear or loving animals doesn't make you a therian. You don't need to do quadrobics or wear gear to be a therian. But it is fun if that is what you are into.
However, I agree with Mori 100%. You cannot just simply pick and choose what your therian is since it's who you are. And finding out who you are or if you are a therian takes time. I am still learning and still understanding, like most therians.

Interviewing Other Therians!!

Disclaimer: This part of the post asks other therians about their opinion on what Mori said and what they think therianthropy means to them as well. Some even expand on what Mori said.

Quote:"I think being a therian means having a connection to an animal or creature. I agree with Mori, you do not need masks or have to do quadrobics to be a Therian.
I would like to expand on the idea that you cannot choose to be a Therian, you just are. It is up to you if you identify as one or not. you also cannot choose your theriotypes. For example, I used to think that I was a fox therian because I really liked foxes, but I realized that I had no other type of connection that would've made me a fox therian.
I would like to explain how I personally found my Theriotypes as well.
First, I made a list of all the animals I felt a connection to(even the ones I didn't like). As I learned more about myself, I would add to the list more animals I felt a connection to, and cross off the ones that I didn't. If I had an animal on the list that I was considering, I would put an asterisk next to it. If I had an animal on the list that was heavily possible, I would circle it. I kept the list for weeks, months, really, until I found out my Theriotype. Even now, I'm still questioning! I have learned that Therianthropy is not something that can be immediately answered. It takes time, like a lot of things in life."

- Alex K.

I completely agree with Alex, they also gave very good advice in my opinion.
What I have bolded and underlined is information that I think is very helpful.

Quote:"I agree with it. A bit oddly worded, but it gets the message across. The one nitpick I have is that "any animal that existed once" is a rather strict definition. There are a few individuals that we consider therians that have unique theriotypes, or have fictional animal theriotypes; so I think removing the "existed once" part would be best."

- Haskull

Quote:"I generally agree, but I would also like to add that therianthropy can also be mythical creatures as long as the mythical creature is animalistic in a way. Another word for it is “theriomythic”, though I’ve seen people also just call themselves Therians."


Quote: "Ok so I agree with Mori because that definition feels right to me. I'm always in a phantom shift and can move my phantom ears and tail. A phantom shift occurs when a Therian experiences phantom limbs or a full phantom body of the therioside. The physical human body remains unchanged. This is a phenomenon that refers to the sensation of having non-human body parts attached to the human body."


Quote:"Yes, I do agree with what Mori said. I would also like to add there are several types of therians. and I'm not talking about different kintypes, no; just the way someone's type may express itself. It usually differs from one being able to shift, or constantly being shifted with a scale being present. Otherwise, in my experience, it is possible for one to have shifted on and off throughout their entire life and just have not known it, like myself. I'm still gathering other people's experiences and stories, but from what I collected a lot of the more mature Therians (non-children) seemed to have known for some time, but didn't have the words for it. Some have also had dreams, daydreams, etc. of being their kintype as well. Otherwise, I have made a post detailing Therian (species) euphoria, and through this, I have managed to collect some therian's experiences with it as well, whether it be through wearing clothing in a specific fashion or wearing specific clothing (as a wolfkin, I find leather coats make me feel more wolf-like and therefore gives species euphoria), behaviors, interactions (some therians who identify as animals naturally meant to accompany or provide humans help may get euphoria from helping others in specific settings), and I am still speculating but it's possible certain items could also help with euphoria. As for species dysphoria, I do not have a specifically defined label for it, but in my experience, it just feels like either a. A disappointment in not being able to be my kintypes physically, mentally, and psychologically, or b. The feeling of our body, especially during shifts feels weird which then makes us feel miserable. A lot of the time I've noticed when we primarily have limb phantom shifts, it will feel weird and dysphoric. Just the feeling of trying to walk on paws, with slanted legs... We do not have either."


Quote:"I agree with the opinion, and not all therian/therian allies should believe that you need gear, or makeup, or learn how to do quadrobics; because that isn't what makes you, you. For myself, I feel as if I was reincarnated from a hyena to a human. But that doesn't mean that every other Therian believes that, either (going along w/ Mori.) Every Therian has a different story to tell.

From my experiences so far in figuring out my identity as a therian, I have only experienced phantom shifts, and I have yet to determine if I will or will not have other types of shifts. I haven't had a large amount of experience (from what I could tell), because I had only just recently discovered what a Therian was about (maybe 6-8 months ago). In class, I get several phantom shifts for an unspecified reason, and it's hard to focus and not squirm in my chair because of the imaginary tail that I can feel. I get a little dysphoria at times, and it doesn't help that I can't wear a tail every day in school because of the fear of being bullied. However, I push through my dysphoria every day, and little by little I overcome it!"



Wrapping things up!!

To sum it up...

•Those who were interviewed agreed with Mori's statement
•Some agreed/voiced that gear, liking animals, makeup, or learning to do quadrobics doesn't make you a therian
•Some only have phantom shifts, and experience species dysphoria or euphoria.
•Some believe they were reincarnated as their theriotype (However not all believe this)
•They agree that it takes time to figure yourself out when it comes to therianthropy and that most of them are still learning even if they have a lot of experience.
•dinomaskmaker1987 (AKA, Chris) has given the definition on what phantom shifting is. They voiced/agreed with Mori's statement and that it felt right to them.

These were only a few Therians who agreed to be interviewed. This is what I sent them:

Quote:For this interview, I would like to ask a few questions. Please think and give your honest answers. The interview is about your opinion and your knowledge of therianthropy and your experiences if you have them.

I want you to read what Mori wrote based on the question "What is Therianthropy?" I want to hear your opinion on what Mori said and if you agree with it or not. If you would like to expand on the topic then please do so! We would be so happy to hear more about your experience or knowledge of Therianthropy.

Quote:"Therianthropy and Therians. Therians are individuals who believe or feel that they are non-human animals in a non-biological sense. For example, It can be your past life. But we don't all believe we had an animal past life. We can also believe we have an animal soul inside us. Your therio-type can be any animal that existed once, also you can have multiple therio-type(s) it's called "polytherian." Loving animals, wearing tails and masks, or doing quadrobics doesn't make you a Therian".


Some had very little experience but some knowledge, others had tons of experience and a lot of knowledge. It doesn't matter where you stand in Therianthropy, what matters is getting to you and hearing what you have to say for yourself and for your opinions. I will hold this topic up for maybe about 5-10 months it all depends on how many therians, newcomers, or supporters reply to this post!

I gave you the same interview questions that I gave them. Now it's up to you to reply however you would like so we can understand your opinions and you as a person. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. This is about YOU and YOUR opinions.

Pronouns: They/Them ♡ Nickname Friendly.

Don't lower your expectations to fit into the world. You were born to stand out.

(This post was last modified: 2023-09-29 3:55 by Mystic.)
2023-09-29 2:37
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Post: #3
RE: Research By Therians
Glad to see it all wrapped up now!! It looks great. Although, if possible, I will request one thing: could you make a general synopsis of what therianthropy is? Just adding points up that you saw in our interviews in a bullet list for things to look out for

[Image: IMG-1163.png]

Abyss||21||Neurodivergent|He/They||DM friendly

PFP is by TheUnknownGame! Thank you so much :3
2023-09-29 3:24
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Post: #4
RE: Research By Therians

(2023-09-29 3:24)B3W1tch3dSparr0w Wrote:  Glad to see it all wrapped up now!! It looks great. Although, if possible, I will request one thing: could you make a general synopsis of what therianthropy is? Just adding points up that you saw in our interviews in a bullet list for things to look out for

Can you please elaborate? I failed to understand since I am very tired at this moment and have 2% of my brain cells to process words right at this very moment.

Pronouns: They/Them ♡ Nickname Friendly.

Don't lower your expectations to fit into the world. You were born to stand out.

2023-09-29 3:26
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Shapeshifting fiend
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Post: #5
RE: Research By Therians

(2023-09-29 3:26)Mystic Wrote:  

(2023-09-29 3:24)B3W1tch3dSparr0w Wrote:  Glad to see it all wrapped up now!! It looks great. Although, if possible, I will request one thing: could you make a general synopsis of what therianthropy is? Just adding points up that you saw in our interviews in a bullet list for things to look out for

AH, I just realized it's like 3, almost four am for you- I might fail with wording so bare with me. I mean like. Take certain experiences we have had, and write a list of what one may experience that has made us realize we are Therian. Otherwise, I think adding all of the Therian's above have agreed we agree with Mori.

Can you please elaborate? I failed to understand since I am very tired at this moment and have 2% of my brain cells to process words right at this very moment.

[Image: IMG-1163.png]

Abyss||21||Neurodivergent|He/They||DM friendly

PFP is by TheUnknownGame! Thank you so much :3
2023-09-29 3:29
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Therian Interviewer
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Post: #6
RE: Research By Therians

(2023-09-29 3:29)B3W1tch3dSparr0w Wrote:  

(2023-09-29 3:26)Mystic Wrote:  

(2023-09-29 3:24)B3W1tch3dSparr0w Wrote:  Glad to see it all wrapped up now!! It looks great. Although, if possible, I will request one thing: could you make a general synopsis of what therianthropy is? Just adding points up that you saw in our interviews in a bullet list for things to look out for

AH, I just realized it's like 3, almost four am for you- I might fail with wording so bare with me. I mean like. Take certain experiences we have had, and write a list of what one may experience that has made us realize we are Therian. Otherwise, I think adding all of the Therian's above have agreed we agree with Mori.

Can you please elaborate? I failed to understand since I am very tired at this moment and have 2% of my brain cells to process words right at this very moment.

I will get on this ASAP. For now, please bare with me. BTW it's only 8:36 PM for me. But I trained myself to sleep really early.

Pronouns: They/Them ♡ Nickname Friendly.

Don't lower your expectations to fit into the world. You were born to stand out.

2023-09-29 3:36
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Shapeshifting fiend
Theriotype: Trollish shapeshifter (see bio)
Experience: Therian, Otherkin
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Post: #7
RE: Research By Therians

(2023-09-29 3:36)Mystic Wrote:  

(2023-09-29 3:29)B3W1tch3dSparr0w Wrote:  

(2023-09-29 3:26)Mystic Wrote:  

(2023-09-29 3:24)B3W1tch3dSparr0w Wrote:  Glad to see it all wrapped up now!! It looks great. Although, if possible, I will request one thing: could you make a general synopsis of what therianthropy is? Just adding points up that you saw in our interviews in a bullet list for things to look out for

AH, I just realized it's like 3, almost four am for you- I might fail with wording so bare with me. I mean like. Take certain experiences we have had, and write a list of what one may experience that has made us realize we are Therian. Otherwise, I think adding all of the Therian's above have agreed we agree with Mori.

Can you please elaborate? I failed to understand since I am very tired at this moment and have 2% of my brain cells to process words right at this very moment.

I will get on this ASAP. For now, please bare with me. BTW it's only 8:36 PM for me. But I trained myself to sleep really early.

Oh lol. On your profile it says so

[Image: IMG-1163.png]

Abyss||21||Neurodivergent|He/They||DM friendly

PFP is by TheUnknownGame! Thank you so much :3
2023-09-29 3:48
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Therian Interviewer
Theriotype: Gray Wolf
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Post: #8
RE: Research By Therians

(2023-09-29 3:48)B3W1tch3dSparr0w Wrote:  

(2023-09-29 3:36)Mystic Wrote:  

(2023-09-29 3:29)B3W1tch3dSparr0w Wrote:  

(2023-09-29 3:26)Mystic Wrote:  

(2023-09-29 3:24)B3W1tch3dSparr0w Wrote:  Glad to see it all wrapped up now!! It looks great. Although, if possible, I will request one thing: could you make a general synopsis of what therianthropy is? Just adding points up that you saw in our interviews in a bullet list for things to look out for

AH, I just realized it's like 3, almost four am for you- I might fail with wording so bare with me. I mean like. Take certain experiences we have had, and write a list of what one may experience that has made us realize we are Therian. Otherwise, I think adding all of the Therian's above have agreed we agree with Mori.

Can you please elaborate? I failed to understand since I am very tired at this moment and have 2% of my brain cells to process words right at this very moment.

I will get on this ASAP. For now, please bare with me. BTW it's only 8:36 PM for me. But I trained myself to sleep really early.

Oh lol. On your profile, it says so

I have no idea how to fix that tbh. Want to check out the post now? Btw can you please PM me about things that are unrelated to the discussion? I kind of want to keep this thread mainly about research and not idle chit-chat. (No offense)

Pronouns: They/Them ♡ Nickname Friendly.

Don't lower your expectations to fit into the world. You were born to stand out.

2023-09-29 3:57
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Post: #9
RE: Research By Therians
I feel like Mori is off to a good start there, but leaves out a few things as well.

First of all, from their phrasing, it seems like they think the only valid explanation for why someone could be a therian is either believing one had a nonhuman past life or believing one has a nonhuman soul:

Quote:"For example, it can be your past life. But we don't all believe we had an animal past life. We can also believe we have an animal soul inside us."


This, to me, crosses into the misconception that therianthropy is inherently spiritual and/or religious, which is soundly untrue. Yes, it seems that most therians hold spiritual beliefs about the origin of their own therianthropy (either that, or they're a very vocal minority), but there are other therians who don't hold spiritual beliefs and instead theorize that their therianthropy has one or more psychological origins that we don't know the details of yet due to lack of scientific research about therians. There are others who think both spiritual and psychological origins could be true in some capacity, and there are still others who don't give a frak about the the whole philosophical debate at all. I feel like they could've done more to address the other facets of the debate, instead of making it seem like you have to believe in souls and/or reincarnation to be a therian, whether that was their intention or not.

And secondly, as a few others have brought up, Mori's opinion about how many species can be included under the scope of therianthropy is restrictive.

Quote:"Your therio-type can be any animal that existed once..." -Mori

"The one nitpick I have is that 'any animal that existed once' is a rather strict definition. There are a few individuals that we consider therians that have unique theriotypes, or have fictional animal theriotypes; so I think removing the 'existed once' part would be best." -Haskull

"I generally agree, but I would also like to add that therianthropy can also be mythical creatures as long as the mythical creature is animalistic in a way. Another word for it is 'theriomythic', though I’ve seen people also just call themselves therians." -MapacheAstuto

As one of those therians with a unique theriotype that Haskull mentioned, yeah. Mori wouldn't consider me a therian under their definition. Yes, my theriotype isn't an extant or extinct Terran creature, nor is my species depicted in any myths, folklore, or general fiction. I don't know why my theriotype is the form that doesn't give me species dysphoria; even creatures with nonfictional or fictional presence that are remotely similar, like lizards, snakes, dinosaurs, European dragons, and Chinese long, aren't what I am. But what I do know is that I'm intrinsically, irrepressably uncomfortable with not being my theriotype physically and have been for several years, even long before I found the words to explain this part of me. And as Mapache said, there is already precedent for including non-extant creatures within therianthropy as a whole, enough precedent for at least one specific subcategory (theriomythics) to be defined, probably more; unique creatures like me can be therians, too. Mori could stand to be a bit more inclusive.

I also answer to Noodle, Unknown, or UG. I prefer they/them pronouns.

Technology should be used as a canvas for creativity, not as a replacement of it.

"Know the power of words and of names, but most crucially,
the power in knowing one's true self."

-My sibling
2023-09-29 4:03
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Therian Interviewer
Theriotype: Gray Wolf
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Post: #10
RE: Research By Therians
What Therianthropy means to YOU Tongue

We had discussed what Therianthropy is. (or what it is from another's perspective.) But now I would like to open a new discussion on what Therianthropy means to YOU, In this discussion I will be putting a small interview of what it means to other therians as well as my perspective and a perspective from the Therian Territory on YT. This is supposed to help continue the other discussion along with a new one but I would like to dig a bit deeper in specific parts.

Before we start I would like you to...REMEMBER:I highly encourage YOU the reader to do your own research. I say this because there will always be different angles and perspectives of a story, you never receive the whole story from just one person. So please do your own research and share with us what you learned, you can always post your own research about Therians under this thread. I highly encourage you to do so this way we can answer all the questions others might be wondering. Thank you!!

What does Therianthropy mean to you?
Source: YOUTUBE- Therian Territory
DISCLAIMER: This video is based on what Therianthropy means to them.

Quote: "Therianthropy. A word that to some holds so much meaning, and to others sounds like pure nonsense. But that is because its definition also holds a ton of misconceptions It means that one experiences animalistic behaviors, urges, and needs that don't seem to align with our human selves. It's a different experience for everyone..."

- Therian Territory

The following quotes you are about to see if other Therians or Otherkins explain what Therianthropy means to them PERSONALLY.

Quote:"Though I am not a Therian, I am an otherkin, so I'll talk about that.

Being otherkin is a pretty weird experience. Many therians I've met watch documentaries of their theriotypes in their natural habitats or study their mannerisms in the wild. As a dragonkin and a seraphkin, I don't have any of that, really. I mostly go off how I feel at the moment.

I kind of felt I was somewhat inhuman when I was around 6-8 years old, and I always identified with dragons. They were always a species I felt like I really belonged in. I first thought 'Hmm, I might be a furry!" so I dabbled in that for around two years. Then, a few months ago, I came across a word called 'therian' and 'otherkin', which I explored, and realized that was what I truly was. I always kind of did quads, even as a kid, I didn't know what they were at the time.

I don't remember my first shift. Whenever I 'played' dragon when I was little, I always became a dragon. It became the norm for me. Now, I don't get many mental shifts anymore, just phantom shifts like my tail and my wings.

I've never received any hate for being an otherkin, except in my own family. My mom tells me to 'grow up' and 'stop being a baby'. She's vaguely OK with my spiritual dragonkin, but she's really wary of my psychological side."


Quote:"Being a Therian, to me, is about living my truth. I'm a bear, sometimes a dog, but I'm not human, in any way other than physical. It links to my gender, too, in that way. I'm transfeminine, but even before that, I'm a bear.
My personal experiences range from going into the woods behind my house to just Exist as truly as I can be to myself, to laying at the foot of the bed, wearing paws, and wearing a collar. The difference between my Bear Feels and my Dog Feels generally splits between Wild/Domestic.
I don't really speak for everyone in this, but I think therianthropy works a lot like gender. Self-deterministic identification. By saying you are something, to me, you are such. For me, it's both a spiritual and psychological thing. I shift into a mindset, a mental space, but I also feel spiritually connected to my kintypes.
I think the biggest bit of misinformation I've seen recently is that Therians are all young? That they're teenagers and young adults and that's all. I may be 21, but I've met a big group of us, all at a diverse age range, and a diverse set of backgrounds."

- nebulaika

Quote:"For me, therianthropy is deeply rooted in my species dysphoria. It's an intrinsic, unshakeable certainty that a human body doesn't fit my mind for whatever reason, and that certainty hasn't diminished over the years (no matter how much attempted repression I threw at it in my teenage years). I was raised among humans, I obviously understand a human language, I've learned a few human societal norms, and I've learned how to use human tools. But despite all logical expectations, despite what my body communicates to others, I don't feel human. I have recurring urges and yearnings that aren't compatible with human physiology. I mentally cringe when others around me say I'm human. I see my own reflection, and yet I don't see me. And none of this is born of a sense of misanthropy; I genuinely find the human species fascinating and think they deserve to exist just as much as any other species. I just know that on the inside, I'm not one of them. So when I first accidentally found out what Therians are (thank you, Wikipedia), a lot of things suddenly made sense to me. And knowing that similar experiences have been had by many thousands of other creatures before me gave me the assurance I needed to know that I'm not crazy."


Please note that the site "Wikipedia" cannot always be trusted. There is some valid information in there somewhere but not all of it is true. Please note that anyone can change the information on there so always do a deeper dive into a subject you are researching with valid resources. How can you figure out if it's a valid resource? One, if they list the site source they found their reasonings in. Along with the date, time, author yada yada. Where can you find that? It'll always be found at the bottom page of the blog.
Two, if the site is .org, .edu, or even .gov
I just wanted to get this out of the way real quick.

Quote:"Therianthropy is a form of spirituality to me. It's something that helps me understand myself better and encourages me to be curious and discover those hidden parts of myself that I used to live out as a child.
My childhood had a lot to do with Therianthropy to be honest, especially since I always was in the company of animals, and always enjoyed watching movies with wild animals, I always found a deep connection between me and nature through all of those things. I naturally adapted a few behaviors of wolves for some reason, but that was quickly shut down by my family or school. I was only able to feel and act like myself when I was around my dog, which I never really appreciated until it was gone. Nowadays I sense my tail wagging when I'm happy, the urge to eat (cooked) meat (specifically the way I eat it when I allow it is very wolf-like), and the (strong) urge to howl when I'm very happy or depressed.

A Therian in my perspective is someone who can't (or doesn't) relate to human urges or act upon them. They find more beauty and comfort in being their theriantype and have a few inhuman characteristics and traits. Therians believe that humans have animal souls, and/or feel like they are not in the right body

Unfortunately, I can't give tips on how to identify oneself as a Therian, but I'd assume that people would feel or sense that something isn't how other people are, or how it's "supposed to be", which is a pretty good indicator. But neither can I give some clearance about misguided information, since I haven't heard anything bad about Therianthropy C:"



If you would like to participate in' this subject post your own interview under this thread regarding the question:

"What does Therianthropy mean to YOU?"

Please answer the question truthfully, with as many details as possible, add your own personal experience if you want to and yeah. Enjoy. This topic will remain open until February 1st, 2023. IF there are no more replies based on this subject in 2 months then we will be moving on.

Pronouns: They/Them ♡ Nickname Friendly.

Don't lower your expectations to fit into the world. You were born to stand out.

2023-11-08 20:05
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