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For me it's a general disconnect with humanity along with various types of shifts starting from a young age
I've always felt much calmer and more like myself around animals. It's true that a variety of animals don't get along (for example, I've always felt particularly comfortable around cats, when they'd have no problem hunting my theriotype(s)), but I feel like I'm on much more equal standing to them compared to humans. Not to mention a deep yearning for wings and the life of a bird as a whole for as long as I can remember
I've experienced phantom wings on and off for years, and for the same amount of time, have felt like a quadrupedal gait would suit me far better while I lack the light weight and hollow bones of a bird (which probably points to another theriotype I'm still not sure of)
At the core of it, it's a sense of just *knowing* there's some animal part of me
I believe I am a therian mainly because I feel such a strong sense of belonging with the experiences and people in the community. I feel I relate on such a deeply emotional and psychological level with everything I see people talk about here, all the talk of shifting and feeling othered and having an animal brain seems like exactly me any time I read about it.
Now, to get into the specifics, I have felt like an avian for the longest of times. I knew since I was young that I was meant to have wings and claws and fly freely. But I haven't had the language to express that intuition until the last couple of years.
And that's really all I know lol
I reckon I probably got weirdly attached to a particular animal during my horrendous teen years as some sort of comfort thing. Developed species dysphoria and then it stuck and irriversibly changed how I saw myself. That's my best guess.
im not entirely sure how to explain my therianthropy because im still new to the community and granted, im also still learning things about myself. i kinda just see it as something ive experienced for while but didn't really think about until a couple years later. i think i've always had non-human tendencies when i was younger, i never really related with people as much and i've always wanted to be around animals more and even wished to be one. obviously i would do typical kid things like pretend to be an animal when i was playing with my friends but i never really stopped outside of that. i was especially more vocal as a kid and would often hiss or meow but im not very vocal as i was when i was a kid, im even hesitant to practice vocalizing because im afraid its something people will be weirded out by.

i would often be teased because of this and overall i was just a really weird kid so it was pretty common for my own "friends" i considered at the time to treat me like a personal pet or something. as i got older these feelings didn't really go away and it actually made me question my identity. on the bright side, im not as ashamed about it anymore its something that im still trying to come to terms with.
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